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Older Adult Food Safety

Food safety is especially important for older adults. Older adults should avoid certain foods to protect themselves from foodborne illness and adults 65 and older are at a higher risk for hospitalization and death from foodborne illn

Food Safety for Pork

Pork requires the safe preparation, cooking temperature, and proper storage of leftovers in order to prevent food illness. The USDA recommends cooking pork to a minimum cooking temperature of 145°F - as measured with a food thermometer - in order to kill any pathogens.

Food & Water Safety for Weather Emergencies

Are you and your family totally prepared for destructive effects of a tropical storm or a hurricane? Disasters don’t plan ahead. But you can. Before weather emergencies, it is important to have a plan in place for emergency supplies, food, and water.

Food Safety for Seafood

The safe handling of seafood is essential to reducing the risk of foodborne illness. Follow basic food safety tips for buying, preparing, and storing fish and shellfish — so you and your family can safely enjoy the fine taste and good nutrition of seafood.

Food Safety for Camping and Hiking

Camping and hiking are great ways to exercise and appreciate nature. But they also create hunger - and food that is not packed properly and handled safely can create foodborne illness.