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Biological Food Hazards
Biological food hazards are biological agents that can pose a threat to human health and include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Bacteria and viruses are responsible for most foodborne illnesses and are the biggest threat to food safety. The most common result of infections from biological agents is gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Also called the “stomach flu”, gastroenteritis is generally acquired through consumption of contaminated food or water, or through direct contact with an object, surface, or person - as a result of poor sanitation and/or hygiene.
What are food recalls and alerts?
A food recall occurs when there is reason to believe that a food may cause consumers to become ill. Get the latest food recall alerts from the FDA.
Eggs and Salmonella Dangers
Eggs aren’t just for breakfast anymore. Low-carbohydrate diets finds more people consuming eggs, but there can be health risks if eggs are not handled, stored, and prepared safely. #NationalEggDay is observed annually on June 3 . It is not only the perfect time to celebrate by trying a new egg recipe, but also to refresh you food safety knowledge and procedures on eggs.
Beach Food Safety
Going to the beach? While preparing for the heat on your body - also plan on the effects of heat on your food. Foodborne illnesses increase during the summer because not only does bacteria multiply faster in warmer temperatures, but preparing food outdoors makes safe food handling more challenging.
Turkey Food Safety Tips
Raw poultry (turkey, chicken, duck, goose, quail, etc.) may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Proper preparation, cooking, and storage procedures must be followed - or a foodborne illness can occur.