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Tailgate Party Food Safety

Because tailgate parties are an all-day food grilling and feast, there is an increased risk of foodborne illness. Cooking outdoors presents a food safety challenge. Not not only does bacteria multiply faster in warmer temperatures, but preparing food outdoors makes safe food handling more challenging. Every good tailgate party starts with a good game plan - that should include food safety.

Food Safety Education for the Family

Have a conversation about food safety with you children – no matter the age. Basic discussion topics can make a big difference in understanding and preventing a food illness. Follow basic food safety principles and procedures to help keep you and your family safe.

Grilling Food and Fire Safety

Are you going to celebrate the weekend by throwing a grilling party? Make sure you have a plan that includes food safety and fire safety. Practicing proper food and fire safety principles and procedures are the keys to having a safe weekend full of fun, food, and family time!

Turkey Food Safety Tips

Raw poultry (turkey, chicken, duck, goose, quail, etc.) may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Proper preparation, cooking, and storage procedures must be followed - or a foodborne illness can occur.

Food Safety for Pork

Pork requires the safe preparation, cooking temperature, and proper storage of leftovers in order to prevent food illness. The USDA recommends cooking pork to a minimum cooking temperature of 145°F - as measured with a food thermometer - in order to kill any pathogens.