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Food Safety for Camping and Hiking

Camping and hiking are great ways to exercise and appreciate nature. But they also create hunger - and food that is not packed properly and handled safely can create foodborne illness.

Food Safety for Pork

Pork requires the safe preparation, cooking temperature, and proper storage of leftovers in order to prevent food illness. The USDA recommends cooking pork to a minimum cooking temperature of 145°F - as measured with a food thermometer - in order to kill any pathogens.

Norovirus Prevention

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus and the most common viral foodborne illness. Norovirus infection is acquired by consuming produce (fruit and vegetables) irrigated with contaminated water contaminated with human or animal feces - or shellfish farmed or harvested in water contaminated with human sewage. Because only a few norovirus particles can make people sick, infection can also occur by consuming food handled by a person infected with the virus - or being in direct contact with an object, surface, or person that has been infected.

Grilling Food and Fire Safety

Are you going to celebrate the weekend by throwing a grilling party? Make sure you have a plan that includes food safety and fire safety. Practicing proper food and fire safety principles and procedures are the keys to having a safe weekend full of fun, food, and family time!

People at Greater Risk for Foodborne Illness

It is very important to understand that certain groups of people have a higher risk for contracting a foodborne illness - and have a greater severity of an illness.