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How to report a food problem as a consumer?

Found a problem with your food? If you suspect that a food product is contaminated or has made you or someone that you know sick, follow these guidelines to report it.

What is FAT TOM for Food Safety?

FAT TOM is a mnemonic device used in the food service industry to describe the six favorable conditions required for the growth of foodborne pathogens. Understanding the optimal conditions for bacterial growth can potentially help you reduce your risk for bacterial infections and food poisoning.

Food Safety for Seafood

The safe handling of seafood is essential to reducing the risk of foodborne illness. Follow basic food safety tips for buying, preparing, and storing fish and shellfish — so you and your family can safely enjoy the fine taste and good nutrition of seafood.

Food Safety for Raw Oysters

Raw shellfish (e.g. oysters, clams, mussels) can pose an increased risk to be contaminated - as they are filter feeders and become contaminated when their waters are polluted with raw sewage and bacteria.

Foodborne Illness: What You Should Know

Foodborne illness is a common – yet preventable – public health problem. Ensuring food safety is increasingly more important as food trends change along with the globalization of our food supply. To prevent foodborne illness, it is necessary to understand how food becomes unsafe to eat and what proactive measures can be taken.