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Older Adult Food Safety

Food safety is especially important for older adults. Older adults should avoid certain foods to protect themselves from foodborne illness and adults 65 and older are at a higher risk for hospitalization and death from foodborne illn

Turkey Food Safety Tips

Raw poultry (turkey, chicken, duck, goose, quail, etc.) may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. Proper preparation, cooking, and storage procedures must be followed - or a foodborne illness can occur.

Basic Steps of Food Safety

Following good food safety habits can help protect you and your family from food illness. To keep your family safe from food illness, follow these four simple steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill:

Food Safety for Camping and Hiking

Camping and hiking are great ways to exercise and appreciate nature. But they also create hunger - and food that is not packed properly and handled safely can create foodborne illness.

Food Safety for Chicken

Raw chicken and poultry may contain harmful bacteria and washing it does not remove the bacteria. This bacteria can also be spread to other items and food - if proper procedures are not followed. The only way to kill bacteria on chicken is by cooking it to a safe internal temperature - as measured by a food thermometer.