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Why is food safety training & certification necessary?

Food safety not only affects continued patronage and sales of a food service business, but also public safety. Many businesses require food safety training, so being food safety trained will increase your chances of employment. Furthermore, businesses are willing to pay higher wages to those trained.

People at Greater Risk for Foodborne Illness

It is very important to understand that certain groups of people have a higher risk for contracting a foodborne illness - and have a greater severity of an illness.

Older Adult Food Safety

Food safety is especially important for older adults. Older adults should avoid certain foods to protect themselves from foodborne illness and adults 65 and older are at a higher risk for hospitalization and death from foodborne illn

Biological Food Hazards

Biological food hazards are biological agents that can pose a threat to human health and include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Bacteria and viruses are responsible for most foodborne illnesses and are the biggest threat to food safety. The most common result of infections from biological agents is gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Also called the “stomach flu”, gastroenteritis is generally acquired through consumption of contaminated food or water, or through direct contact with an object, surface, or person - as a result of poor sanitation and/or hygiene.

Foodborne Illness: What You Should Know

Foodborne illness is a common – yet preventable – public health problem. Ensuring food safety is increasingly more important as food trends change along with the globalization of our food supply. To prevent foodborne illness, it is necessary to understand how food becomes unsafe to eat and what proactive measures can be taken.