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How to report a food problem as a consumer?

Found a problem with your food? If you suspect that a food product is contaminated or has made you or someone that you know sick, follow these guidelines to report it.

Food Safety Education for the Family

Have a conversation about food safety with you children – no matter the age. Basic discussion topics can make a big difference in understanding and preventing a food illness. Follow basic food safety principles and procedures to help keep you and your family safe.

Food Safety for Grilling Ground Beef

Ready to start grilling hamburgers? Bacteria is of special concern with ground beef - because when beef is ground - more of the meat surface is exposed to potential harmful bacteria. For this reason, ground beef must be cooked to an internal temperature of 160°F, so as to kill all the bacteria and avoid foodborne illness.

Eggs and Salmonella Dangers

Eggs aren’t just for breakfast anymore. Low-carbohydrate diets finds more people consuming eggs, but there can be health risks if eggs are not handled, stored, and prepared safely. #NationalEggDay is observed annually on June 3 . It is not only the perfect time to celebrate by trying a new egg recipe, but also to refresh you food safety knowledge and procedures on eggs.

Food & Water Safety for Weather Emergencies

Are you and your family totally prepared for destructive effects of a tropical storm or a hurricane? Disasters don’t plan ahead. But you can. Before weather emergencies, it is important to have a plan in place for emergency supplies, food, and water.